Savannah Cabannah on Etsy – Where to go to purchase.

25 02 2009
Savannah Cabannah on Etsy

Savannah Cabannah on Etsy

I first started using Etsy to sell my “Savannah Cabannah” modern dog house plans and continue to use them as my sales point.  Etsy is incredible in how they have the best collection of hand made items in the world.  You can browse through thousands upon thousands of unique and intersting hand made items.  I really feel like part of the community and would like to invite you to take a look.

If you have an Etsy account, add us as a friend.  Hey, I might even be interested in what you have made and buy it.

For anyone who visits my blogs, website, etc., you will be hopefully guided to my Etsy online account to purchase and or ask questions on my dog house design.

Savannah Cabannah on Etsy

Savannah Cabannah on Etsy